Support: WinTV-MiniStick-2

Latest WinTV v8.5 application

Click the below link to get the latest WinTV v8.5 application and TV tuner driver download package

Latest WinTV v8 installer Package
For Windows 8, 7, and Windows 10

Windows driver

Version 30297

File name: WinTV-MiniStick_Driver_4_3_5_30297.exe
Size: 5.6 MB

To install the latest Windows driver only:

Leave your WinTV-MiniStick 2 plugged into your PC. Follow the following steps:

  • Download the WinTV-MiniStick 2 driver update.
  • Click to install. This will install the WinTV-MiniStick 2 Windows driver.
  • At the completion of the driver install, you should see a message which says Drivers have been updated successfully.
  • At this point, the Windows driver will be installed.

downloadDownload Prodinfo

Prodinfo.exe is a program you can run which will extract information about the WinTV product you have installed such as model and serial number, MAC address, revision, and features which can be used to identify the exact model of your product. The driver for the device must be installed in order to run Prodinfo.exe

downloadDownload HCW Clear

HCWCLEAR.exe is a program you run to remove all driver and files that were installed with the installation of the Wintv program.